Welcome Amy Hunter!


The OutFront Board of Directors is excited to share with you that Amy Hunter has accepted the role of Executive Director of OutFront Kalamazoo! We are proud to have her lead OutFront during this important transition period!

Amy Hunter is a civil rights policy strategist and advocate. Amy is currently working as a consultant for the State of Michigan on administrative policy and regulations affecting LGBTQ Michiganders. Formerly with the National office of the American Civil Liberties Union, Amy led the Transgender Education and Advocacy Program, an evolution of the Transgender Advocacy Project which she developed at the ACLU of Michigan before scaling the project to a nationwide initiative. These programs brought policy makers, media and the public a better understanding of who transgender and nonbinary people by providing advocacy skills training and facilitating movement building for transgender people across the nation.

Amy has helped numerous communities organize around and bring about nondiscrimination protections, including holding the post of Director of Operations for the One Kalamazoo campaign, successfully defending Kalamazoo, Michigan’s nondiscrimination ordinance from referendum. Amy is the past president and chair of Equality Michigan Pride PAC as well as the Kalamazoo Alliance for Equality PAC. Previously, Amy held a leadership position with the Victory Fund; is a past board member of Kalamazoo Gay and Lesbian Resource Center, now OutFront Kalamazoo; Kalamazoo Community Foundation Equality Fund and past Vice President of Equality Michigan Action Fund. Amy and her spouse Cindy love kayaking, touring National Parks, photography and sharing a home in the woods near Kalamazoo, Michigan with their cats.


COVID-19 and Pride 2020