OutFront Kalamazoo Observes International Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, 2021

OutFront Kalamazoo posts an online gallery this week to celebrate the power and courage of the local transgender community.

KALAMAZOO, MI March 29, 2021 – This Wednesday, March 31, 2021, OutFront Kalamazoo will mark the 12th annual International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV) by launching an online gallery designed to celebrate the courage of transgender and gender non-conforming people and raise awareness about the discrimination they face.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic has limited in-person celebrations for TDoV 2021, OutFront Kalamazoo has invited transgender and non-binary people to submit and share a picture on a virtual gallery (outfrontkzoo.org/tdovgallery) to help recognize the resilience of transgender and gender nonconforming people here in Southwest Michigan.

“Trans people always have been and will always be here,” said Amy Hunter, Executive Director of OutFront Kalamazoo. “Our best weapon against hate and bigotry is being seen as our authentic selves - it's hard to hate up close.”

Awareness is more important than ever. This year has already seen dozens of anti-trans bills introduced like the effort by Michigan State Senators to bar transgender student athletes from participating in school sports. But while these challenges exist, trans and gender non-conforming people still bravely tell their story and fight for their equal rights.

International Transgender Day of Visibility was founded by transgender activist Rachel Crandall Crocker, Executive Director of Transgender Michigan in 2009 in response to the overwhelming majority of stories about the violence transgender people experience. TDoV was created as a day to tell stories of success and empowerment; a time to visibly celebrate being transgender and for allies to show their support for the transgender community. Today there are TDoV events and activities scheduled across the globe. OutFront’s gallery will appear on OutFront’s webpage and Instagram account through April 2, 2021.

“For every photo posted, there are hundreds of others who do not yet feel safe to be visible because of the discrimination that is still permitted in our state and in our country,” said Hunter. “Visibility is complicated, and the journey is often challenging. That is why we are proud to publish this gallery. We’re grateful to the individuals who shared their photos and acknowledge the courage it takes for them to live openly and authentically – to live out front!”  

OutFront Kalamazoo is a non-profit, charitable organization whose mission is to create a just, inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment in Southwest Michigan for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions.



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