Trainings & Speakers

Increasing understanding.

Increased knowledge and understanding about the LGBTQ+ community is often the first step in reducing, and eliminating, discrimination. OutFront Kalamazoo offers five types of training to local schools, colleges, universities, churches, governments, businesses, and organizations:

  • LGBTQIA+ 101 and Pronouns

  • Creating an Inclusive Workplace

  • The Dynamic Legal Landscape of LGBTQIA+ Rights

  • LGBTQIA+ History

  • Audit Policies, Forms, and Procedures

In either format, these informative, interactive sessions are tailored to fit your setting and audience, on the topics listed at right.

To request a training or workshop for your group, please fill out this FORM

The Dynamic Legal Landscape of LGBTQIA+ Rights (1 hour)

The rights and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community have become a growing subject of news media coverage, case law, and policymaking. This session will present a brief overview of historical progress made towards equal rights as well as an in-depth look at what protections and freedoms our current federal, state, and local nondiscrimination laws provide.

LGBTQIA+ History (1 hour)

An overview of important dates, events, and figures in American LGBTQIA+ history and culture over the past 100 years. Training will cover gay, lesbian, and trans history, a brief introduction to queer theory, and an update on where we are currently, both socially and politically. Training can be customized to focus more or less on gay, lesbian, or trans history.

Audit of Policies, Forms, and Procedures

An important part of creating and maintaining an inclusive workplace is to attract diverse talent and ensure that all employees are welcomed, represented, and respected in your organizational policies, forms, and procedures. This can be as simple as tailoring the language used in position descriptions and job postings to include all potential applicants regardless of gender or identity, to ensuring policies related to bathroom use and dress code do not create unnecessary barriers to diversity and expression.

Depending on your organization’s needs, this service can be tailored to your organization as follows:

  • Language Audit - Review of organizational documents such as position descriptions, job postings, employee handbook, employee forms, client forms, organizational procedures, and marketing/website content. This Audit focuses on the language used and will provide you with thorough editing suggestions to ensure your language is inclusive and representative of a diverse and professional workplace.

  • Language & Content Audit - This review includes a language audit as outlined above; however, is a deeper study of the content, practices, and impacts of your existing policies and procedures. This audit will provide you with a detailed report and suggested revisions to ensure your policies are inclusive and representative of a diverse workplace.

LGBTQIA+ 101 and Pronouns (1.5 - 2 hours)

Myths, stereotypes, and misinformation are often at the heart of discrimination, harassment, and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals. This session tackles the basics of LGBTQ+ lives and experiences; and helps participants learn proper terms, understand facts about gender identity and discover how to be an advocate. May be customized for any sector including education, health providers, faith institutions, social service providers, etc.

Also available as a 4-hour half-day interactive workshop.

Creating an Inclusive Work Environment (1 hour)

With increasing coverage of LGBTQ+ issues in the media, more and more individuals are openly identifying as LGBTQ+. Many companies attempt to create a diverse workforce, but often forget the effort required to create and maintain an inclusive workforce. When employees who are different from their colleagues are respected and allowed to flourish, the company benefits from their ideas, skills, and engagement. This session gives companies or organizations new tools to create a more open and affirming workplace.

"Leadership is the most important element for change, and that includes fostering workplaces that have an inclusive culture and that enhance cross-cultural awareness and skills through communication, training, and education.
This is the starting point for any meaningful change in creating fair workplaces."

— Freada Kapor Klein, Author of Giving Notice: Why the Best and the
Brightest Leave the Workplace and How You can Help Them Stay